Saturday, March 24, 2012

Boston College Faculty Call for an Investigation

(Boston College Sleeps Through the Whole Thing)

An online petition created by the Boston College chapter of the AAUP gives you a chance to join their call for an independent investigation of the Belfast Project.

The petition also gives outsiders a window onto the institutional culture of the university: The chapter took a unanimous vote, on Feb. 27, to ask President William P. Leahy and the board of trustees for an investigation, but they decided to seek wider support when the president and the trustees didn't bother to respond to their letter.

Letter from the faculty? Ah, just toss it into the round file. What's for lunch?

The place is run like a duchy. That's why bad decisions aren't debated and corrected. It isn't working.


  1. BC displays not only disdain and indifference to their researchers and research participants but they treat their own professors on campus no better.

  2. Unless they're friends of the president and came with him from Marquette.
